Relationship Clinic

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
At Voice of Comfort International Ministry, we believe that strong churches are built on strong families, and strong families build even stronger churches. The key to keeping families together is equipping couples with the know-how to nurture their marriages long past the moment they say “I Do”. Our Marriage Enrichment Ministry, therefore, supports, equips, and empowers couples to grow into the wholeness that God intended for marriage and to fully enjoy the blessings associated with it. With the goal of care and restoration in mind, marriage programs and seminars are organized to help couples take the time to positively refocus on their marriage priorities. Each couple has strengths to build on and identifying these strengths is an essential element for enhancement in any marriage.

• Are you and your partner looking to get married?

• Are you already married but would like to further enrich your marriage?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions or you know of people that might have answered yes, then the RELATIONSHIP CLINIC (RC) has something for you. RC was set up to help develop strong marriages. It’s increasingly becoming clear to all that the type of storms that confront marriages in our world today require the supernatural touch of God for marriages to be successful. It’s not a case of whether the storms will come, because they surely will, but whether marriages are adequately equipped to deal with the storms when they arrive. What’s more, the institution of marriage in our society today has been very much trivialized. Commitment has gone out of fashion and people are marrying and divorcing with the flimsiest of excuses. Things like pre-nuptials have become common place among our ‘so-called’ celebrities, and it is not surprising that other people are doing the same. However, the institution of marriage as intended by God is blissful when built on the proper foundation. The RC team are passionate about helping couples to develop the proper foundation, thus developing marriages that help to restore value into the institution of marriage.

The ministry objectives are delivered via four main areas:

1 – Premarital Preparation
The Premarital preparation (PP) is for couples considering engagement and marriage. The goal is to help couples recognize and build upon the strengths of their relationships and to identify and discuss potential trouble spots. No matter how well you know each other, and even if you’ve been living together, being married is very different. Even people who have been married before benefit from marriage preparation. Mostly, marriage preparation covers the important areas of communication, conflict resolution and intimacy. Apart from these enormous topics, the PP team at Voice of Comfort International Ministry focus on other topic areas such as: the effects of ancestral marital history on contemporary marriages, cultural differences; religious issues; myths about marriage; realistic expectations; careers and marriage; family and friends; life stages; finances; family planning; and commitment. Whilst based on Christian principles, PP is very helpful for any new couple with or without the Christian faith or church background.
2 – Marriage Enrichment
The marriage enrichment arm of the ministry is designed to promote better marriages by providing opportunities for couples to learn and develop, have fun, increase intimacy, and strengthen their relationships. Marriage Enrichment programs teach spouses interpersonal skills in communication and conflict resolution. This process over time creates positive changes as the couple practices healthy interaction skills. Couples who deem their marriage of primary importance and thereby commit to an ongoing marriage enrichment program tend to have more successful marriages.
3 – Marriage Counselling
The Bible teaches that marriage is a beautiful gift given by God to men and women to bring Him glory and make them holy. When couples go through problems in their marriages, even to the point where the threats of separation or divorce are very real, what is often required is the intervention of another party with an objective viewpoint. Marriage counselling generally helps to provide this. Many couples find healing and enrichment through marriage counselling, as it is a method used to assist couples with all sorts of issues. Consequently, marriage counselling is not strictly reserved for those on the brink of a break-up or those with unfaithful partners. We firmly believe that an understanding of the biblical foundation for marriage is essential for any couple considering marriage.
4 – Wedding
Voice of Comfort offers two types of wedding ceremonies: a) registered marriage; and b) church blessing, which also includes renewal of vows. Couples looking to get married in Voice of Comfort will usually get in touch via the church Admin Office or via Virtual Communications. They will be asked to complete the Wedding Application form and subsequently put in touch with the RC faculty. We have access to a church building, The Citadel Centre, that is licensed to conduct civil weddings; therefore, there is no need for a couple to have a separate ‘registry wedding ceremony’ elsewhere prior to getting married in Voice of Comfort.
We would love to send our couples off with a written guarantee that they will live happily ever after having completed this process, but obviously we cannot do that. However, we can tell you that people who diligently go through the Relationship Clinic programs and pray for God’s strength and guidance have testified that it’s given them new skills in building their relationships. In short, let us trust that God will give us the grace to sustain our marriages and believe that taking marriage preparation will help get the marriage off to a good start.
Besides Marital Relationships, The Voice of Comfort Relationship Clinic also purposes to enrich and support other forms of relationship, including Friendships, Parental Relations, Business Relationships, and Kinship etc.